Last Day Of Registration @ NP ORCHARD Roadshow

We will be having "Be The 12th Player" Roadshow at NP Orchard from 2pm to 6pm! There will be games booth, tryout booth and free flow of popcorns. Complete all our booths and you can redeem cool prizes like figurines and posters!

We will also be having
registration booth at the roadshow, and if you haven't sign up yet, do so now at our roadshow today! Today will be the last day of registration, so don't miss it!

We are changing the venue of our LAN tournament. It will
no longer be at Alumni Clubhouse (Video/Games Room). It will now be at our spanking new computer lab beside the m:idea office at 53-01-13 (School of FMS).

If you have seen the
"Be The 12th Player" posters and banners around NP and SP, have you ever wondered what's the meaning behind this concept that m:idea has created and designed?

If you think you know the answer, you may actually stand a chance to win prizes worth more than $20 including a FIFA Online 2 Cashcard! Simply keep a lookout for our publications The UrbanWire,
HYPE on 31st July and NP Tribune on 3rd August.

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